все без всех могут жить
Watching the trees
Can't see the street sign for the glass on these
Crosstown bound M14
Band Aid on my knee, I fell
Eyes like pools, swimming in school
I said I liked his bow tie
The first thing he said was Violets
Land upon a bed of Violets
Made him think about Violet
The color of her hair
The air of him
I put down my Voice
Single White So and so seeks mate of choice
Was she young, was she his queen
Paris in May
Hand in hand they stroll the Quay d'Orsay
A breeze blew and he knew
Will I ever find my Violet
Makes me think about Violet
How will I know it's Violet
The color of her hair
The air of him
Life is written by two
A book of love
Right next door, or far on the shores
You'll find your true love
Don't they have a kind of magic
Rest my head upon Violets
A color that is fair
The air of him
Land upon a bed of Violets
Rest my head upon Violets
A color that is fair
The air of him
Can't see the street sign for the glass on these
Crosstown bound M14
Band Aid on my knee, I fell
Eyes like pools, swimming in school
I said I liked his bow tie
The first thing he said was Violets
Land upon a bed of Violets
Made him think about Violet
The color of her hair
The air of him
I put down my Voice
Single White So and so seeks mate of choice
Was she young, was she his queen
Paris in May
Hand in hand they stroll the Quay d'Orsay
A breeze blew and he knew
Will I ever find my Violet
Makes me think about Violet
How will I know it's Violet
The color of her hair
The air of him
Life is written by two
A book of love
Right next door, or far on the shores
You'll find your true love
Don't they have a kind of magic
Rest my head upon Violets
A color that is fair
The air of him
Land upon a bed of Violets
Rest my head upon Violets
A color that is fair
The air of him